Docker/Docker Compose

Docker/Docker Compose

To send logs directly from Docker or Docker Compose, you'll need to configure the Docker Fluentd logging driver (opens in a new tab).

This Guide Integrates:

✅ Logs✖️ Metrics✖️ Traces

To send over metrics or APM/traces, you'll need to add the corresponding language integration to your application as well.

Docker Compose

Within Docker Compose, you'll want to add a new logging driver to your existing services. We'll be using Docker's Fluentd logging driver with TLS.

Within each service you'll want to specify logging: *hyperdx-logging and add both the hyperdx-key anchor to the labels, as well as a new label defining the (ex. db).

Full Example:

version: '3.3'
# Add the following YAML anchors, which can be referenced from services later
x-hyperdx-logging: &hyperdx-logging
  driver: fluentd
    fluentd-address: tls://
    labels: '__HDX_API_KEY,'
x-hyperdx-key: &hyperdx-key
    # Configure the logging driver for the service
    logging: *hyperdx-logging
    image: caddy:alpine
      # Add the key and service name labels
      <<: *hyperdx-key caddy

After running docker compose up you'll be able to see your logs within HyperDX.


If you get an error of invalid fluentd-address, you'll want to make sure your docker version shows an engine version newer than 23.0.0. Otherwise, older versions of Docker did not come with TLS support for Fluentd, you can contact support for more assistance.


With Docker, you'll want to configure the logging driver directly via the CLI:

docker run --log-driver=fluentd \
  --log-opt fluentd-address=tls:// \
  --log-opt labels='__HDX_API_KEY,' \
  --label \
  -t alpine echo "Testing a log message"


If you get an error of invalid fluentd-address, you'll want to make sure your docker version shows an engine version newer than 23.0.0. Otherwise, older versions of Docker did not come with TLS support for Fluentd, you can contact support for more assistance.

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