HyperDX's Heroku integration allows you to connect your Heroku logs to HyperDX with a single CLI command.
This Guide Integrates:
✅ Logs | ✖️ Metrics | ✖️ Traces |
To send over metrics or APM/traces, you'll need to add the corresponding language integration to your application as well.
- Install Heroku CLI (opens in a new tab)
- Login to Heroku using the CLI:
heroku login
Installing the Log Drain
Run the following command to install the log drain to your Heroku app, ensure you add your API key to the drain URL:
heroku drains:add \
"https://in.hyperdx.io?hdx_token=<YOUR_HYPERDX_API_KEY>&heroku_app=<YOUR_HEROKU_APP_SLUG>&hdx_platform=heroku" \